Jum'at 14 Maret 2025
Showing posts with label eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eggs. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Forbidden Black Rice Egg Custard postheadericon

SUPER GOOD...SUPER FOODrich with antioxidants, omega-3's and extra protein for great kick-start to all the busy holiday preparations.forbidden rice ?...often eaten for breakfast in Asian countries.egg custard ?...often eaten for dessert in the US.put...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Banh Gan. Vietnamese Flan...aka "Liver Cake" postheadericon

DON'T ADJUST YOUR SCREEN...YES...this is the color of Banh Gan.translation..."LIVER CAKE"NO...THERE IS NOT LIVER IN THE CAKE!BUT...this has got to be one of the top 5 weirdest things i have ever baked.  make that top 3.and as you know......i know...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Cherry Clafoutis postheadericon

cherries...cherries...cherriesi have to make use of those beautiful cherries.cherry clafoutis is a great easy way to get those cherries in use.  the recipe calls for 1 pound, but i ate too many right out of the bag so i only had about 1/2 pound...no...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Healthy Breakfast Bread Custard postheadericon

healthy, warm, filling...creamy, sweet, delicious.protein, calcium and fiber that tastes like dessert for breakfast...or is it breakfast for dessert?...you can serve this as a guilt-free dessert on a sunday evening.then..reheat for a quick...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Chorizo Tortilla Egg Bake ...with a little less guilt postheadericon

hi folks...it's almost Cinco de Mayo...so dust off your sombrero and shake out that dusty old poncho...Chorizo Tortilla Egg Bake is a perfect way to start the day...AND if you're watching your carbs and calories due to the swimsuit season fast approaching...not...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Chawanmushi. Japanese Steamed Egg Custard postheadericon

Chawanmushi might sound exotic and look complex, but it's so simple to make.it's really just a delicate egg custard filled with delicious little savory nuggets.i'll be the first to admit that i DO NOT know Asian cooking techniques and terms as well as...

Sunday, April 1, 2012


creamy eggs topped with Russian caviar tucked into a perfect little egg cup...one of my all time favorite savory treats.  so simple, so delicious, so delicate and SOOOO EASY !...if you have the right tool !i spotted this little uni-tasker egg gadget...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Creme Brulee...Guilt-free version postheadericon

yup...another "guilt-free" dessert...sorry, but i live in Southern California and i know at some point in the next few months i AM going to to be in public wearing  a bikini...scary thought...so i'm dishing up all these sweet treats that won't kill...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Egg Casserole with Ham, Cheese and Spinach postheadericon

wonder what to do with that last bit of Easter Ham?your family has probably just about had it with ham sandwiches...use those last few slices in an egg casserole....make these cute little appetizer or snack bites, serve as a whole for a fabulous brunch...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Finally, The Successful Souffle postheadericon

ahhhh....now this is what i'm talkin' about.HOUSTON, WE HAVE LIFT OFF...A DELICIOUSLY SIMPLE CHEESE SOUFFLE...well, i can cross this off my "Bucket List"success with the "CLASSIC CHEESE SOUFFLE"light, soft, airy, smooth, dissolve in the mouth cheesy...