Jum'at 14 Maret 2025
Showing posts with label easy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easy. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Spicy Pineapple Pepper Slaw postheadericon

I'LL MAKE THIS QUICK....cuz WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET...this is a great salad on it's own, but perfect for tacos and the like.SPICY PINEAPPLE SLAWthere are no specific measurements.i make small batches of this all the time.  just use your taste...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Delicious Peanut Buttercream Frosting with Easy Chocolate Cake postheadericon

all i can say is...if you love PEANUT BUTTERyou'll love this cake. this "cake"post is all about the frosting.the cake is good and super easy to throw together, but it definitely takes a back seat to this sweet savory smooth peanut butter buttercream...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Vietnamese Coffee Jelly Dessert...easy postheadericon

super easy, clean and tasty cool dessert for a summer party.OR...just kick start your day,maybe brighten a June gloom afternoon...coffee jelly, or JELLO as we call it, is a popular dessert in Asia.  in Japan they serve it black, slightly sweetened...

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Low cal.-Low Fat, Moist Delicious Cupcakes...too easy postheadericon

are you really serious about that BIKINI ? go to the gym 4 times a week ?eat fish and vegetables EVERY DAY ?give up on all the sweets ???NO...but you might want to consider some alternatives...BEWARE...that swimsuit will be moving to the front of...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Banana Pancake Experiment postheadericon

Banana Oat Protein Pancakei have temporarily lifted my ban on the BANANA.i was so fascinated by this wacky recipe below that i had to put my negative feelings aside and brave "the banana".Wacky Banana Pancakeyou might have come across this strange pancake...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Super Easy Lemon Curd in the Vitamix postheadericon

some people are sweet and tartsome people are deep and darksome people are on the fence...?BUT this dessert ?..... 'til death do us part.please excuse my attempt at Valentine's poetry, but someone has to get a bit sappy around here.    Valentine's...

Friday, December 28, 2012

Reese's and Chocolate Fudge ICE CREAM Cake postheadericon

ICE CREAM CAKE...NO...not COLD Ice Cream Cake...this is CAKE MADE with ICE CREAM !2 ingredients...ice cream and self rising flourTHAT'S IT !!!are the grand-kids, nieces and nephews still here for the holidays?are you running out of things to do...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chocolate Pumpkin Pie...Gluten and Guilt Free postheadericon

chocolate and pumpkin...a delicious pairGLUTEN AND GUILT FREE super easy to make, no crust to deal with, diet friendly, can, should, be made ahead of time and leftovers are fabulous for breakfast or healthy treat with a little vanilla greek yogurt...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Protein Pumpkin Pie. Low carb and gluten free postheadericon

yes, you are correct...it IS topped with Brown Sugar Bacon Candyand spicy pecans.but...it IS a Protein Pumpkin Pieand bacon IS protein...right ?...i bet this is the best low carb, low fat, GLUTEN FREE, protein packed Pumpkin Pie you will ever taste....

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Easy Hock Terrine postheadericon

what to do with big beautiful UGLY ham hock...?break it down, tear it apart, smash it in to a loaf tin...call it charcuterie !...hi peoples...sorry, "writers block"...ha...how apropos.  a block for a block.maybe that's why i have 23 drafts with...