Selasa 18 Maret 2025

Friday, April 29, 2011

Egg Casserole with Ham, Cheese and Spinach postheadericon

Posted by Unknown | Pada 10:16 PM

wonder what to do with that last bit of Easter Ham?
your family has probably just about had it with ham sandwiches...
use those last few slices in an egg casserole....make these cute little appetizer or snack bites, serve as a whole for a fabulous brunch or reheat for an on-the-go breakfast or lunch

on  a side note...i have to throw in a picture of my HAM...MAPLE BROWN SUGAR GINGER GLAZED HAM.  this was my 1st HAM.  i am so proud of my HAM.  i don't think anyone else truly appreciated MY HAM as i did.  we usually spend $50.00 - $60.00 for a dependable Honey Baked Ham, but the store closed here in Newport Beach.  so sad.  i look forward to a nice big ham every year.  once a year i am engulfed in ham glory.  no one else really cared.  no one else is in love with this year i went for it and decided to do my own ham...guess what?

AND IT COST $9.53 !!!

well, i'm not wasting a morsel of this ham.
as a matter of fact...i am the only one left eating the i've been finding ways to use up the rest of the 11.5 pounder that i made.

this egg bake recipe is so versatile and easy i think you'll enjoy it as much as i do.  it's perfect for the left-over ham or any other meat veggie combo.  a few weeks ago i used up a roast chicken from Cost-co and turned it into a Mexican Egg Casserole...delicious with fresh salsa.  i love to have a substantial breakfast or lunch that i can easily rewarm or eat on the fly and this fits the bill.  it's great right out of the oven for the whole family or reheated for a quick on-the-go breakfast or lunch.

as shown in the photos, it's also a great idea for hors d'oeuvres.  make this the day before, cut them up in little squares and decorate them with something cute like these perky little grape tomatoes.  set out at room temp with a side of dijon mustard and your fuss and i bet you'll get raves.

i should also mention this is pretty healthy.  depending on the ingredients you add to the basic recipe, this can be fairly low in carbs, fat and calories.  i made mine with 1/2 eggbeaters and half real eggs...there's no heavy cream or milk and can be made with low fat cheeses.  i think the surprise ingredient is washed and drained cottage cheese.  sounds weird, but it works.

adapted from Kalyn's Breakfast Casserole at Kalyn's Kitchen

please check the link for the original recipe and Kalyn breaks down the quantities for small, medium, large casserole dishes.  the whole web site is great for healthy diet alternatives.

below is the recipe for what you see in the photo, but many variations are possible

5 large eggs
5 eggs substitute equivalent
1 tsp salt (watch your salt because the cheese and ham is salted)
1/4 cup small chopped chives
1 - 1 1/2 cup ham...diced or baton cut (julienned)
2/3 cup low fat grated Mexican cheddar blend
1/3 cup grated good, real Monterrey Jack
4 oz. cottage cheese, rinsed so whole curds remain and pat off water with paper towel
1 pkg frozen spinach.  drained and squeezed very well.
2 -3 Tbsp canned diced jalapeno

preheat your oven to 375 F degrees and spray a 7 x 11 glass pyrex dish.
thaw, drain and squeeze your frozen spinach.  cut your meat and grate your cheese.
in the bottom of your casserole dish layer the meat, cheese, 1/2 of the chives.  add the squeezed spinach.  you'll have to pull it apart in small clumps to evenly distribute.
in a bowl mix your eggs until well combined, but not over beaten.  add the cottage cheese curds to the eggs and season as you would scrambled eggs.
pour this mixture over the meat and cheese in the dish and gently stir or prod with a fork so that all the ingredients are evenly distributed in the eggs.  sprinkle with a little more Monterrey Jack and chives

bake for 20-25 minutes or until middle looks set.  it's okay if the sides get a little golden brown.  you'll notice the middle puff up a little.

let set a little before serving or cool completely and refrigerate.


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