Jum'at 14 Maret 2025
Showing posts with label bbq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bbq. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2013

BBQ Turkey Tails with Hoisin Sesame Glaze postheadericon

if pigs could fly this would be thePORK BELLY BITE OF THE BIRD."the last thing over the fence is the best bite of the bird"TRUST ME !!!this is not anything like the semi tough roasted turkey tail from your Thanksgiving Turkey.IT IS FAR BEYOND.you must...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Grilled Whole Red Tilapia and Striped Bass postheadericon

RED TILAPIAthis is a beautiful fish. once again i have found another reason to drive all the way to my favorite Chinese market, 99 Ranch. the fish selection is so outstanding, always fresh, whole, live and/or filleted..and when you buy it whole they...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

BBQ Frog Legs postheadericon

let me just start by killing the myth that frog legs taste just like chicken.i don't know where you get your chicken from , but...THEY DO NOT TASTE JUST LIKE CHICKENthey are, however, worth the challenge...if you're up for it. i've been wanting to get...

Friday, September 25, 2009

BBQ PIG TAILS...really ugly, but really tastey postheadericon

quite possibly the ugliest thing i have tried to date.BUT i must tell you, a little funny to admit... i've actually cooked these twice now..i think i secretly like them. they're kinda sinfully delicious...once again, i was perusing the meat section of...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

BBQ TURKEY TAILS...i'm not kidding postheadericon

this is just one of those things i absolutely could not pass up...and kinda glad i didn't. TURKEY TAILS...i mean, have you ever?!would you ever?could you ever?I DID ! and i'd do it again. problem is, i have never, and might not ever, see these for sale...