Sunday, January 24, 2016

Look Attractive And Youthful With These Very Simple Skin Care Tips And Tricks postheadericon

Posted by Unknown | Pada 12:44 PM

By Susan Price

With so many beauty products and procedures available these days, it can be confusing to identify which ones can really work to your advantage. Sticking to the basics is usually enough for you to remain looking young and attractive. You will find that you don't really have to spend a lot of cash on various solutions just to be your best. Below are some very easy skin care tips and tricks that can really impress.

Refrain from washing your face more than 3 times a day. This is true whether you have dry face or an oily t-zone. Frequent washing will only exacerbate dryness. Also, it will only trigger the production of more oils, leaving you with a really shiny complexion.

Remember to apply a top-notch moisturizer. Never assume that having an oily complexion will spare you from the need to moisturize on a regular basis. That's because oil is incapable of hydrating those cells. What you should do is go for a moisturizer suited for someone with oily skin. It does not contain ingredients which can clog and irritate your pores.

Always remove your makeup before going to sleep. It is not a good idea to leave cosmetics on your face as you spend some time in dreamland. This will only cause your pores to get clogged up which can potentially cause the formation of pimples.

Generously apply sunscreen before leaving your home. Too much sun exposure is one of the primary reasons why aging signs such as fine lines and wrinkles appear prematurely, say the experts. That is why you should never forget to apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 during the day. It will also help if you wear dark glasses a wide-brimmed hat, and use an umbrella.

Lighten dark scars with a dab of lemon juice. Thanks to the natural acidity of lemon juice, it can help in gradually making dark scars less visible. This homemade solution is cheap and effective, saving you from the need to buy those expensive scar removers that contain very harsh ingredients. Aside from lemon juice, apple cider vinegar works wonderfully too.

Exfoliate 1 to 2 times daily in order to get rid of that dull complexion. Dead skin cells piled on top of each other can leave your complexion looking lifeless. A very simple way to exfoliate your face is by adding a few drops of olive oil to a tablespoon of brown sugar or baking soda. Gently massage the resulting paste on your face using circular motions, and then rinse off with cold water afterwards.

Consume foods that are loaded with vitamin C. The said nutrient is important for the production of collagen, a substance that makes your skin soft and supple. With enough collagen, those fine lines and wrinkles can be prevented from forming. Some excellent food sources of vitamin C include dark green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, papaya, guava and kiwis.

Get a good night's sleep always. While you are in dreamland, your body's various tissues are being repaired. Having 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night can help prevent the formation of dark eye circles. Also, it can make your complexion look healthy and radiant.

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