Minggu 16 Maret 2025

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Triple Chocolate Mocha Cupcakes - almost sugar free postheadericon

Posted by Unknown | Pada 6:54 AM

warm weather is just around the corner...AND

that swimsuit is about to move to the front of the closet.

beware that time is gonna come all too quickly. 
 besides...i don't know about you, but i can't eat full fat-full sugar all the time.  
i eat so much pork belly and other savory fatty goodness...

if i ate all the sweets i bake...


if i can sneak in a few of these guilt-free treats... i'm happy.
YES...i've posted about these diet soda cupcakes before, and i know i will again.  it's just that they are so darn easy, surprisingly delicious and moist for a low fat, low calorie nearly sugar free treat.
this particular recipe will definltely calm your chocolate cravings.

for these little cakes i DID try something different...
to my surprise they turned out fabulous.  i was worried the sugar free mix wouldn't have the same baking reaction with the diet soda, but...no problem.
all my friends (lovingly referred to  as my little Guinea Pigs) had no idea they were guilt free...or sugar free for that matter.

i don't like to call these "healthy" by any means..they are made from a cake mix and we all know there are ingredients in there we can't pronounce.  and...diet soda?...not so healthy.
BUT... they are fabulous AND you can eat TWO!

the nutrition #'s look like this...for the cupcake only (18 to a batch)
90 calories...3.0 fat...19.7 carbs... 0.1 sugars...1.8 protein
icing is approximate...30 cals...7.5 carbs...7.3 sugars

Triple Chocolate Mocha (diet soda) Cupcakes
sugar free without the icing

1 Pillsbury Devil's Food Cake Mix...sugar free
2 large egg whites
10 oz. Chesterfield's diet Chocolate Fudge Soda (NOT the whole can...only 10 oz.)
2 Tbsp Scharffen Berger Cocoa Nibs
1/2 tsp instant espresso powder

prepare the cake as instructed on the box...replace the requested additional ingredients with the egg whites and soda.
bake as instructed but use the toothpick test to make sure they are done in the middle.
i made 12 silicon mold cupcakes and 3 mini loaves form 1 recipe...or make 18 cupcakes if you have the silicon...
i say silicon, because they pop out easier with no additional oil or spray.  baking in paper really sticks and you loose a lot of delicious cupcake to the wrapper.  i bake in the silicon and then present them in wrappers as shown in photos

1 cup powdered sugar
1 shot brewed espresso
1/2 tsp espresso instant powder
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

mix the espresso powder into the brewed espresso and vanilla until dissolved.
add 1 Tbsp liquid mixture to powdered sugar stirring vigorously... add more liquid until you have the right consistency and no lumps.  too stiff?  add a little more espresso liquid.  if it gets too thin?...add more powdered sugar.
put into a small freezer baggie and cut the tip for an easy throw away piping bag.  you probably will not use all the icing (icing equals more sugar...equals more calories).  save in the fridge in the piping baggie for the next batch you will be making soon.


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