Sabtu 15 Maret 2025

Friday, January 21, 2011

GREENS, EGG AND HAM...Hock postheadericon

Posted by Unknown | Pada 10:01 PM

my take on Dr. Seusses Green Eggs and Ham...a favorite book when i was little...still my favorite book.
the recipe here is nothin' real outlandish, just good eatin'...breakfast, lunch, brunch or dinner.  a simple perfect runny poached egg can make a side dish, like southern greens, into a  meal.

i love to have greens quite often.  i take a day and make up some good Hock Broth and freeze it in portions to use just for this....start to finish it's pretty time consuming, but well worth the effort.  the greens are easy once you've got your delicious broth ready on hand.  i set aside a day just for the broth.  you can find the HOCK BROTH RECIPE here that i posted a while back.  it's simple, but like i said you might want to set aside a few hours at home.  once it's done, freeze it in portions and you can whip up some authentic rich tasting greens for that down home Southern fix.
i know, i know, i greens don't look like real Southern greens, but that's because i live in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA !...that's about as "Southern" as i get.  mine aren't cooked down all the way.  i like to keep a little color on the plate, some texture to the leaves AND keep some of the rich nutrients still alive.


2 bunches collard greens...or
most times i will use 1 bunch collard and 1 bunch tuscan kale
1 small onion french slice....or half rings
slice up a shallot if you have one
3-4 cloves garlic thin sliced or diced
 a dash of cumin is an option
1/4 tsp cayenne or to taste
salt and pepper to taste
2-3 Tbsp olive oil for sauteing the onion and garlic
1 - 1 1/2 cup ham hock broth with hock meat if you saved any.  there's not much meat on a smoked ham hock, but i sometimes get lucky.  you could add cooked bacon, diced ham or prosciutto.

wash your greens well.  they can be quite dirty sometimes.  in a large pot (large enough to handle all the greens) saute the onion, shallot and garlic until soft.  while that's cooking cut the greens the long way and remove the rib. slice into 2 inch wide strips.  add your broth to the sauteed goods and bring up the heat to about medium high... then start adding in your greens.  if you can fit them in all at once, great.  if you have to add 1/2 and cook down a little then add the rest.  add the sesonings.  stir to coat all the greens and incorporate the onion, garlic and seasonings into the greens.  put the lid on...cook to desired doneness, but check and stir every 5-10 minutes.  you might need to add more broth.  mine take about an hour then...turn off the heat and let them sit covered 'till ready to serve.  


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