Minggu 16 Maret 2025

Monday, October 11, 2010


Posted by Unknown | Pada 10:24 PM

baked oatmeal...PUMPKIN baked oatmeal even better.
this one is fantastic.  it's not only delicious, but it's full of protein and good carbs to get your morning started right and keep you going through the day.  i've made this one quite a few times and it seems to be a big hit.  i found the original recipe posted HERE at Inn Cuisine.com  many many thanks to Sandie for this great find. 
the first time i made it as the original recipe states...wonderful.  then i thought i would take Sandie's advice and make it my own.  i always try to sneak a little extra protein in my breakfast foods so i added some vanilla whey protein powder.  if you've ever cooked with protein powder you know it can be a hit or miss.  just one scoop added here works really well, but if you don't have any don't worry...i also exchanged splenda for the sugar, eggbeaters for the real eggs and used skim milk only...came up with a protein packed, low fat, waist-friendly delicious breakfast treat.

on with the recipe...don't be alarmed at the sight of cottage cheese in the ingredients.  there's a reason why it's not called "Cottage Cheese Oatmeal Bake"...would you have read this far?  sounds weird, but you would never know it's in there.  i happen to love cottage cheese, but others might not be so keen at first bite.

please check out the original and other great goodies by Sandie. 

1 3/4 COOKED multi-grain oatmeal (or 2 c. if not using 1/4 c. wheat bran)
1/4 c. wheat bran ( see above note)
1 Tsp flax
1 cup pumpkin puree
1 cup cottage cheese
1 cup fat free milk
1/2 cup egg beaters OR 2 eggs
1/4 cup slpenda
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
1/2 tsp pumpkin spice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
approx 1/4 tsp fresh grated nutmeg
1/2 tsp vanilla (or 1 tsp if not using maple extract)
1/2 tsp maple extract

preheat oven to 325 F degrees.  coat 2 qt. baking dish with oil of your choice...i used coconut oil.

first let your oatmeal cool down a bit.  then in a large mixing bowl blend everything in an electric mixer until smooth.  pour into prepared 2 qt. baking dish and place in 325 F oven (i have my convection at 320 F.).  bake for approx. 1 hour or until edges are golden brown and center is set.  i start checking mine after 45 mins. because i vary the ingredients  with different flavor combos...
let it cool a bit and serve...
it's great hot or cold...or what i like to do is bake it on a Sunday and refrigerate over night.  it will cut into nice squares for easy reheating through the week.  serve with some maple syrup OR better yet...have you met the GINGER PEOPLE?...the ginger syrup is fabulous!...everything the ginger people make is fabulous.  the ginger syrup, some fresh berries and a little Greek vanilla yogurt is my kinda "power-up breakfast"...YUM...it's gonna be a great day! 


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