Selasa 18 Maret 2025

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Roasted Quail with Orange, Tarragon, Garlic Glaze postheadericon

Posted by Unknown | Pada 11:34 PM

Roasted Quail

there really isn't much to them...a few nibbles on the legs, a couple bites of breast meat and you're done...but i must say...what an impressive presentation and a unique dish that really isn't hard to create at all. so easy i've done them twice and i think i'll get some more for this weekend.

i've been interested in birds other than chicken lately and quail has been on my list for quite a while, but they were always a bit too expensive at 5 or 6.00 $ each...and you can't buy just one or two...what would be the fun in that? so i finally found these at my favorite Asian market 99 Ranch in Irvine, Ca. they came 6 to a package for about 10.00$...frozen, of course. i was soooo excited.

i thought as a first timer i better just go the easy route. i had read somewhere that roasting the little bird was the way to go. actually, cooking them is the easy part..eating them is a different story. the first one i attempted to have a little etiquette with the knife and fork, half way through the 2nd it was all hand to mouth...not to attractive, but i definitely enjoyed myself.


2 or more quail...i did 3
butter, room temp
1 small juice orange
a few sprigs of fresh tarragon
1-2 cloves garlic- thin sliced
salt and pepper


3-4 T. apricot or orange marmalade
2 juice...more or less
1 garlic clove...
minced fresh tarragon
salt and pepper
note...the amount of ingredients varies with how many quails you have.

preheat oven to 350 degrees
clean your quail inside and out and pat dry.
salt and pepper the inside (remember these are tiny birds, so don't over salt).
inside the cavity put a teaspoon of butter, a small wedge of the orange, a sprig of fresh tarragon and a couple slices of garlic it you want.
rub some butter on the outside, sprinkle with a little salt and tie the legs together with some string. i think this makes for a better presentation.
place on a rack breast side up and place in oven for 20-25 min. checking on them throughout. baste with more butter at least once. if they don't look browned on top you can turn on the broiler and watch them carefully. if the legs are getting too brown you can cover them with a little piece of foil.
remove them from the oven...if they are browned then they are done...there's really not much meat to cook. now you can glaze them and let them rest or glaze and put back in the oven for a few mins. it depends on how you like your glaze....but don't let it burn! i just brushed the glaze on and let them rest. i couldn't eat all 3 in one sitting so it's good to know they warm up well after refrigeration.

in a microwavable dish put marmalade, finely chopped tarragon, orange juice and pressed garlic clove and mix. heat 'till thick brushable liquid or a runny jam consistency. oh geez... just heat it through a few times so the flavors meld and you can brush it on. taste it. season if necessary.

serve one as a starter or two as a main....or go head and do as i all them yourself ...absolutely no sign of etiquette. they are delicious and quite fun to eat...
when no one is looking


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