Selasa 18 Maret 2025

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

LA FAIR FOOD- the sweet side postheadericon

Posted by Unknown | Pada 11:31 PM

first and formost..YUMMMM!!!!!
second...worth the trek out to Pamona?...YES! this little snack was the beginning to my foodie adventure through the LA County Fair.
i must say...this is one of the the main reasons i HAD to go to the fair(the real main reason was the DEEP FRIED FROGS LEGS!). i missed the Orange County Fair, and i had heard about the chocolate dipped bacon and how fabulous it was. so i mentioned the idea of going to the fair to a few people, but alas, no one bit (pardon the pun ?). no worries there, i went by myself, camera in pocket, a wad of dough/cash and a mini cooler packed with ice. i knew i'd have to bring some treats home. kinda like the story of The Little Red Hen...i ask and no one wants to go , BUT they all want to try a bite when i get home...right?
of course i have to admit, between the time i heard about it at the OC Fair and the day i went to the LA Fair i have since made my own chocolate covered bacon. i even took it a bit further..
carmel dipped bacon..THEN dipped it chocolate
AND even further...caramel dipped peanut rolled chocolate dipped bacon...
AND EVEN FURTHER...caramel dipped, peanut rolled chocolate dipped bacon...covered with a slather of peanut butter...then dipped AGAIN in chocolate !!!!...
try that on for size...
(post and pics coming soon)

this little number was called a chocolate dipped sampler...really nothing to write home about. i should have gotten the chocolate dipped cheesecake on a stick, although i was too excited when i saw chocolate dipped cheetos on the menu, but was let down when #1 the cheetos in my sampler weren't dipped and #2 when i mentioned this to the vender he took them back into his little trailer of chocolate dipping magic only to produce a small, very pathetic, drizzle over the three lonely cheetos. of course now i've been dreaming of chocolate DIPPED crunchy firey cheetos and choc dipped chili cheese FRITOS...YUMMMM..will have to try this one soon.


sorry to say...another let down...i was really looking forward to this one. i've heard rumors of the elusive deep fried old school treat along with it's pal the deep fried snickers and reeses bars, but i had to chose just's all i could handle. people that know me know that i wouldn't usually even consider the thought, let alone touching such a heart stopping, calorie infused, greasy pointless carbohydrate...then again, maybe few know this secret little sneeky sweet gooey lovin' side of me.
not so secret anymore...

funny thing let down about it that i was...i finished the whole thing. and quite swiftly i might add.

about the actual deep fried Twinkie?...i thought it would be like it's cousin the deep fried snickers...coated in batter, then deep fried, givin it a slightly crunchy exterior...kind of doughnut like. nope. as you can even tell in the photo it was quite soggy. did i mention that it was probably an error on my part due to the fact i got the twinkie at the same stand i purchased the deep fried frogs legs...hmmm...hope it wasn't fried in the same vat?...don't wanna think about it.
in conclusion...i can't wait for the next fair. i know someone out there is dreaming up the next bestest thing to deep fry, slather in chocolate and or SERVE IT ON A STICK!...
i'll be there...first in line.


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