Minggu 16 Maret 2025

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Posted by Unknown | Pada 11:25 PM


did anyone out there have TACO TUESDAY at their elementary school?...or did everybody...and we had Fishstick Friday, but today we're talkin TACOS.

AND, these are easy peezy to pull together. that is...if you have a fabulous Mexican market nearby or you're feelin' lucky with your deep frying BUT, "diy" not recommended!. ..atleast not in this house.

we've all heard of chicharron...right? fried pork skin...that little clear bag at all the truck stops and mini markets you just can't pass up on those "eat anything you wouldn't normally eat" type of road trips. well, imagine, if possible, a gourmet version of that. chicharron carne is the same fried pork skin, but with some meat still attatched. when it's fresh, it unbelievably sinful. i know the thought of biting into a chunk of fried fatty meat doesn't sound appealing to most, but trust me, you won't stop at one...even the faint of heart.

the tacos themselves are pretty elementary. i prefer a nice small fresh white corn tortilla with clean ingredients such as cilantro, diced onion, and fresh spicy hot salsa...just a few extras in order for the main component to shine, in this case the chicharron carne. with this taco maybe some simple fresh guacamole would be great and might help keep the meat in place due to the fact that they are little fried crispy chewy golden chunks that tend to fall out easily. but...sometimes tacos are best when they're falling all over the place...kinda like a sloppy JOSE'...?

so, next time you're hankerin' for a fresh taco instead of some restaurant tex-mex wanna be taco...go find a great Mexican market and pick up all the yummy fresh goods....throw them together yourself. you could put together a great Taco Tuesday for just a few bucks$. get creative with your salsas and don't be afraid to try some of the marinated meats and chicken they have. a good Mexican market will always have exceptional meats and produce.

always taste test your goodies. i stress fresh, fresh, fresh fried chicharron. you want them crispy, chewy, chunky and hot (people waiting in line to get at them is always a good sign).

always remember..you're only as good as your tools...in this case...ingredients

it's the quality of the ingredients...PERIOD.


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