Minggu 16 Maret 2025

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Posted by Unknown | Pada 4:37 PM

that's right!...bacon, salt AND sugar !!!!!
1st and formost i must thank notwithoutsalt.com for this killer recipe
my only addition was the black salt idea. it works...and it looks cool. next time, and there WILL be a next time, i think i might add a bit of heat, like some cayenne or some red pepper flakes might be even more visually enticing. i passed these out to some friends and i must say, they had a hard time wrapping thier head around the idea of bacon in a candy, but after they wrapped thier lips around one, eyes lit up with surprize.
as for making these gems, well, that's another story...i am definitely a newbee to the candy making world. i proved that to myself when i tried making the bacon prailines i found on tastspotting.(i'll try to find the website, but you can do a search on tastepotting.com , sorry...they look killer to). anyway, i totally flubbed that one up. i wont blame it on the cheap thermometer i hurried to the market for in my excitment, but i'd like to. what a waste of good crispy bacon and toasted pecans...i was soooo bummed. then i found this yummy recipe , and once again, couldn't help myself. oh, and yes...i used the same lame thermometer!!!...hence the reason they didn't quite get to the correct caramel consistancy i would have liked...instead they were pretty soft. some people prefere thier carmels this way. kinda reminded me of the scotch kisses they have at SEE's candy...still yummy, but not chewy.
anyway...to make a long story short, if this is a story at all, ...i will be testing these puppies again soon as i hope you do as well. they are a definte treat, let alone a great conversation piece...


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