Minggu 16 Maret 2025

Monday, July 20, 2009

BLONDIE BISCOTTI...? postheadericon

Posted by Unknown | Pada 1:14 PM

well, as promised in yesterday's post here's what i did with the gooey mess i had in the center of my "Nigella" white chocolate macadamia nut blondies...and i gotta tell ya, i could toot my own horn on this one...not that it's any BIG fabulous idea or anything, just that they came out unbelievably good and i was very proud of the save.
i turned them into mini blondie biscotti.
after i cut off the sides about 1 1/2 in. (photo of those yummy blondie squares in yesterday's post) i put the half baked middle back in the fridge to chill so it would be easy to cut. i saw that there was no possibility of cutting this into normal squares so i sliced it long, then cut that into smaller flat squares. as you can kinda see the top and bottom were already cooked. this is what gave it that biscotti feel. i popped them in the oven and watched them carefully. some of them oozed out the sides (those tasted the best, but weren't too pretty)...who am i kidding...they were eaten 1st before i could get a shot of them...
the result was this amazing chewy, soft, yet crunchy melt in your mouth cookie. to me, they kind of resembled a dense financier. these were a big hit around here. the bummer is that i don't know if i could do it again....hmmmm....maybe try to half-bake something on purpose? i might mess that up and end up with either a puddle of goo, or an over baked brick.
anyway...if anyone out there ever comes across this same snaff-foo please try this trick. it's not often a baking near disaster can be fixed, so you know i'm gonna milk this save and hope i can do it again sometime...


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