Kamis 27 Maret 2025

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Protein Cheesecake postheadericon

Posted by Unknown | Pada 11:14 PM

hi-pro, lo-carb and no fat...made with cottage cheese and fat free cream cheese w/protein powder added

just a bite

protein cheesecake w/homemade apricot preserves
let me see if i can put the recipe in writing...i make it every week, different flavors...ooooh!...peanut butter is my new favorite. tried chocolate and wasn't too impressed.
lemon is my good ol' stand by and the one that everyone enjoys. so here's my recipe...

2 c. low fat cottage cheese
1/4 c. fat free cream cheese
1 sm box sug. free lemon jello disolved in 1/2 c. boiling water
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 Tbs lemon zest
i use an immersion blender (stick blender) and a big glass pitcher for blending...BLENDING IS KEY to the sucess of this cheese cake
just add one thing at a time and blend well...i emphasize WELL!...you don't want cottage cheese chunks.
i pour it into seperate servings, but it also works in a small cake pan or pie plate.
take this basic recipe and run with it...try different flavors. try stretching it woth another cup of c.cheese or more cream cheese. for the peanut butter one i use 6 Tbsp. creamy p-nut butter and a plain gelitin packet and add splenda to sweeten it up. this ups the calories, but it's alllll good fat, right?


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