Thursday, July 24, 2014

general sorbet for summer days postheadericon

Posted by Unknown | Pada 11:09 PM

Nothing interesting than a glass of delicious ice cream cool amid hot summer day. will share the secrets of delicious fruit cream cool below you and do okay.

Please choose your favorite fruits and learn how to make ice cream with fruit below to enjoy both okay.

1 - greasy cream durian 

                                                    Durian ice cream scented greasy.


- 200g durian flesh

- 200ml fresh milk

- 200g fresh cream

- 50g granulated sugar

- 2 egg yolks

How to make creamy durian:

- Durian pulp puree into a paste. Eggs smashed, leaving whites, yolks only.

- Pour a bowl, add egg yolks, concomitantly defeated cage egg mixture, milk.

- Pour this mixture into a deep pan or small pot, boil lightly around the edges. Just recently boil stirring, heat until very small portion of milk and yolk mixture slightly, then remove from the heat comparable characteristics.

- Drain the durian milk into the egg mixture, mixing until they are completely intertwined.

- Then pour fresh cream and stir well. Pour the milk mixture into clean glass or European instruments with lid, let cool, cover tightly into the freezer for about 1-2 hours you get the spoon cream mixture and mix well to dissolve rubble continues closed until ice cream hardens completely.

2 - Cream smooth mango foam

                                                        Smooth mango cream sponge


- 1 ripe mango sliced ​​small square

- 100ml mashed mango or mango concentrate

- 200ml fresh cream (whipping cream)

- 250ml fresh milk without sugar

- 120g sugar.

How to make mango ice cream smooth porous

- Pour a bowl of ice cream and fresh whipped with sugar. If you do not like too sweet, you can skip the lines.

- Pouring milk out the bowl, add the mango puree into beaten mixture until blended evenly.

- Pour ½ mango chopped into sections, mix well.

- Pour the cream into the milk mixture and mix well with a smooth mixture. Note that the right mix lightly so as not to lose the stiff cream.

- Pour the cream mixture into the liquid cast iron pot. Add chopped mango notes section, mix again, then closed area to pot cream into the freezer. 2 hours after you take the cream off the pot, stir the cream to the fridge and back for 2 hours.

- Repeat the cream and continue stirring away at the ice cream frozen until completely hard. After about 6 hours, you can taste the mango ice cream at home.

3 - Melon scented cream

Melon Cream


- 400g melon

- 200ml fresh cream

- 200ml fresh milk

- Street wedge taste.

How to make ice cream scented melon:

- Melons select old fruit, fragrant and incipient cracks. Washed duo melon, seeds and reap part of the water through the sieve results; take part water filter, remove seeds.

- Cucumber peeled, cut small pieces, add sugar to watermelon, portable grinder or blender puree. You should assume that mixed melon sugar mill there bold sweetness to the milk and cream into the medium.

- For fresh milk and coconut cream mixture into blender and stir.

- Pour cream into the box. Pour into ice cream freezer, pulled out about 2-3 hours every fork or electric mixer routed macadam part, do so about 5 times until soft and creamy, crushed stone is not.



Chocolate & Chillies said...

Picture #2 (mango ice cream) belongs to me. You have used it without permission. Please take down immediately. Next time ask first.

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