Thursday, July 24, 2014

cool mint cream Vietnam postheadericon

Posted by Unknown | Pada 11:02 PM

Enjoy the cool mint ice cream in the hot day there is nothing more wonderful.
Soft mint cream delicious cool. 

Mint ice cream with cool mint flavor leisurely little more chocolate and cashew brittle in the mouth amazing is not it. please share secrets soft mint cream and delicious, and your reference to your loved ones to enjoy offline.

Peppermint Ice cream ingredients

- 200g fresh milk

- 100g fresh cream whipping cream

- 2 egg yolks - 30g sugar

- 3 tablespoons mint syrup

- 40g dark chocolate

- 40g cashew nuts (or walnuts, almonds or other types optional) chopped

The mint ice cream steps:

Step 1:

Wash the cream container, wipe dry and place in the freezer for about 3 hours before the cold mold available offline! Beating the egg bowl, add sugar and beaten egg + sugar mixture stained yellow.

Step 2:

Pour the milk into the pot, slowly sifted egg mixture just hit the road; stir just moderate.

Step 3:
For all boil over low heat, stirring constantly just last modules to be sharp and not mix the egg was not ripe. Continuous Island to see a bit heavy-handed, the mixture thickens slightly, then remove from the heat. To wait for the mixture to cool and then pour into the mint syrup.

Step 4:
Pour the cream mixing bowl, beat until light cotton mixture, then pour the egg and milk and mix well.

Step 5:
- If making ice cream machine: you to cream in the refrigerator compartment cool for about 3 hours, freezing mixture, then follow the instructions of the machine. And then let cool cream to prevent the refrigerator 3-4 hours for the ice cream frozen.

- If there is no ice cream makers, ice cream mix you just made ​​up your freezer, just after 1 hour, then brought to the island cream with a fork. Seen first island you for cashews and chopped chocolate and mix XDA; spread out face cream, covered and left in the freezer. Island cream like about 4-5 times as cream will be completed.

Enjoy mint ice cream by yourself is better than nothing. Mint green cream eye-catching, smooth plastic and the cooler will help your body to cool instantly. Add chocolate and chewing sensation aromatic crispy nuts too?



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