Monday, July 21, 2014

Already thirst with a cool glass of lemon tea bar creep postheadericon

Posted by Unknown | Pada 4:05 AM

You try to combine tea with lemonade climbing a try, a cup of lemon tea fragrant climbing poles were extremely cool bar will make you extremely thirsty awake there. 
Have tea with passion fruit bar refreshments cool.

Lemon tea a delicious drink has become all too familiar to many people, however today you try to replace the lemon with lemon climb that normally see, aromatic taste that much different from offline!


- 4 tablespoons black tea (or 2 bag)

- 2 lemons leo

- Use a 30gr

How prepared lemon tea climb:

- Boil the sugar with 60ml water to make the syrup

- Followed by tea. Use approximately 360ml of boiling water to make tea

- If you do not like black tea, you just try to switch to green tea nghen

- While waiting for tea to cool, sieve seeded passion

- Hoa lemonade syrup to climb

- Take a glass full of ice and pour in half a cup of tea

- Then pour the lemon juice to climb into the full cup is finished.

- If you prefer more bitter tannins, the percentage change your tea - lemon climb to 6:4

Decorate with strawberries and orange slices beautifully for all of you, one thing is sure this climb is fragrant lemon tea sir!


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