Soda water with lemon tea sugar syrup in addition refreshments effect also works great prize crush it again. Go outdoors to enjoy the sun on the tea cup lemon soda dispensing refrigerators are available for in nothing more wonderful.
Soda lemon tea drinks cool and sunny feel extremely good solution.
Ingredients: for 4-6 cups
- 450ml boiling water
- 3 black tea bags (you can use Lipton or any other black teas offline)
- 320ml ginger syrup
- 3-4 large lemons (you use lemon yellow or lime green are)
- 230ml soda water
- Stone Park
- A few slices of lemon and a few branch mint to decorate if you like.
How dispensing soda water cool lemon tea:
- For 3 black tea bags in 450ml boiling water, stir lightly, about 20 minutes for the water to cool, then remove the tea bag you out okay.
- For the ginger syrup, juice of 3-4 lemons squeezed out soda and water into tea, stir well.
- For ice cubes into the cup, pour water into the mix just lemon tea, garnished with lemon slices and a few mint leaves.
How to make ginger syrup:
- If you do not buy ginger syrup you can do so simply by dissolving 240g sugar 250ml water together with a 5cm piece of ginger bark scraped, sliced. For all into a small pot, place on the stove just boil stirring just until mixture is boiling and sugar dissolves, then remove from the heat, allow to cool and picked out the best ginger ginger syrup you had to use it and eventually!
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